Jean CocteauJoueur de Guitare. Serenade au Clair de Lune. 1961.

£ 11,500.00

Drawing in colour wax crayon on prepared black Canson paper. 1961.

With a certificate from Mme Annie Guedras, the world-accredited expert on Cocteau and administrator of the Cocteau Estate.

Provenance: Jean Cocteau's Studio. Cocteau Estate.

Edouard Dermit - Cocteau's adopted son and the inheritor of the contents of Cocteau's studio at his death; he was also the leading actor in many of Cocteau's films.

Private Collection FM. USA

Note: Mme GuĂ©dras has confirmed that this work is a full-scale first version of the left side of the work 'Inamorati - Le PĂȘcheur Amoureux' in the Bastion de Menton museum together with other compositions on 'Comedia del Arte' themes - themes inspired by the traditional itinerant entertainers of the 19th century.

She has also indicated that it is a very fine example of Cocteau's use of a medium taught to him by Picasso - the use of wax crayons which have the property of not mixing when applied to the sheet over the top of each other, allowing superimposed colour tones to interact but not blend.

Drawn to the full sheet. Sheet: 651 x 254mm.